Keras Custom loss Penalize more when actual and prediction are on opposite sides of Zero
I'm training a model to predict percentage change in prices. Both MSE and RMSE are giving me up to 99% accuracy but when I check how often both actual and prediction are pointing in the same direction ((actual 0 and pred 0) or (actual 0 and pred 0))
, I get about 49%.
Please how do I define a custom loss that penalizes opposite directions very heavily. I'd also like to add a slight penalty for when the predictions exceeds the actual in a given direction.
actual = 0.1 and pred = -0.05
should be penalized a lot more thanactual = 0.1 and pred = 0.05
,- and
actual = 0.1 and pred = 0.15
slightly more penalty thanactual = 0.1 and pred = 0.05
Thank you guys!
Topic mse keras tensorflow loss-function python
Category Data Science