Keyup events in tinymce editor not working
I am trying to develop a plugin, that shows on the page/post edit page. What I need to do, is detect when the content area changes. Either in visual mode, or text more. I would like to use a keyup event. So as the user is typing, I can provide my results.
But with the tinymce editor, I can't seem to properly detect changes in the content area. I was at one point able to detect changes if the page was loaded in text mode. But we need it to work in visual mode. When the keyup event occurs, I want to copy the entire contents of the body into a JS variable. Once I have that, I can go from there.
I can't seem to figure out how to accomplish this without hacking core and tweaking the tinymce init() method. Which isn't what I want to do.
Thank you.
Edit: Answer
Ok so I marked the proper answer. But I wanted to state that in my case, I needed to load this code in 'text' mode which mean that the included javascript file wasn't loaded at all. So I loaded the js into a script tag into the plugin area on the page and worked great. I still had to do the plugin init stuff, but it is loading an empty js file unless theres a way around that. Here is what I have in my javascript:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// Create 'keyup_event' tinymce plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('keyup_event', function(editor, url) {
// Create keyup event
editor.on('keyup', function(e) {
$('#content').on('keyup', function(e) {
// This function allows the script to run from both locations (visual and text)
function do_stuff_here(content) {
// test if the editor is available
if (tinymce null == tinymce.activeEditor)
console.log('tinymce not loaded (text mode)');
// exit if the editor is not ready yet
var data = $('#content-textarea-clone').text();
// visual mode
data = $(tinymce.activeEditor.getContent()).text();
// rest of my processing
Doing it this way works like a charm.
Topic tinymce visual-editor events Wordpress
Category Web