Linear discriminant analysis in R: how to choose the most suitable model?
The data set vaso in the robustbase library summarizes the vasoconstriction (or not) of subjects’ fingers along with their breathing volumes and rates.
Volume Rate Y
1 3.70 0.825 1
2 3.50 1.090 1
3 1.25 2.500 1
4 0.75 1.500 1
5 0.80 3.200 1
6 0.70 3.500 1
I want to perform a linear discriminant analysis in R to see how well these distinguish between the two groups. And I consider two cases:
ld - lda(Y ~ ., data=vaso)
ld1 - lda(Y ~ log(Volume)+log(Rate), data=vaso)
Please help me understand which model is better? What characteristics to look at?
Topic lda-classifier discriminant-analysis r
Category Data Science