Linear regression NN in Theano using List
I am quite new to Theano, while having used Neural Networks in MATLAB before.
I have succeeded with reading all my data from my excel files, and create the input and output lists.
To separate each group, both in input and output, I have created a list that contains lists :
input = [[1 , 2 , 2 ], [5 , 5 ,2], [7 ,8 ,8], [7 ,1 ,1]]
The same goes for output.
So my Input[i] correlates the output[i].
If I create an array, would I lose this correlation? Should I convert my input output to array first and definitely?
Additionally, could a matrix be used instead of array in input and target definition in Theano?
This is also the code I used : list-1 is input and list-2 , output When I tried to convert my data directly from their format I got this error :
Wrong number of dimensions: expected 1, got 2 with shape (29, 9).
import theano
import numpy
import theano.tensor as T
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
rng = numpy.random
#Training Data
X = numpy.asarray(list-1)
Y = numpy.asarray(list-2)
m_value = rng.randn()
c_value = rng.randn()
m = theano.shared(m_value,name ='m')
c = theano.shared(c_value,name ='c')
x = T.vector('x')
y = T.vector('y')
num_samples = X.shape[0]
prediction =,m)+c
cost = T.sum(T.pow(prediction-y,2))/(2*num_samples)
gradm = T.grad(cost,m)
gradc = T.grad(cost,c)
learning_rate = 0.01
training_steps = 10000
train = theano.function([x,y],cost,updates = [(m,m-learning_rate*gradm),(c,c-learning_rate*gradc)])
test = theano.function([x],prediction)
for i in range(training_steps):
costM = train(X,Y)
print("Slope :")
print("Intercept :")
a = linspace(0,10,10)
b = test(a)
Just as an update I used another code here and I got this error which is more or less the same but the expectance is the contrary :
Wrong number of dimensions: expected 2, got 1 with shape (6,).
Topic theano neural-network
Category Data Science