Linking Javascript in functions.php file
Below is my raw javascript embeds from my html template. But I cannnot figure out exactly how to add it to my functions.php file. It seems pretty difficult. Can you please assist with the correct syntax using the wp_enqueue_script
script src="../assets/components/plugins/ajaxify/script.min.js?v=v1.9.6sv=v0.0.1"/script
scriptvar App = {};/script
script data-id="App.Scripts"
App.Scripts = {
/* CORE scripts always load first; */
core: [
/* PLUGINS_DEPENDENCY always load after CORE but before PLUGINS; */
plugins_dependency: [
/* PLUGINS always load after CORE and PLUGINS_DEPENDENCY, but before the BUNDLE / initialization scripts; */
plugins: [
/* The initialization scripts always load last and are automatically and dynamically loaded when AJAX navigation is enabled; */
bundle: [
$script(App.Scripts.core, 'core');
$script.ready(['core'], function(){
$script(App.Scripts.plugins_dependency, 'plugins_dependency');
$script.ready(['core', 'plugins_dependency'], function(){
$script(App.Scripts.plugins, 'plugins');
$script.ready(['core', 'plugins_dependency', 'plugins'], function(){
$script(App.Scripts.bundle, 'bundle');
scriptif (/*@cc_on!@*/false document.documentMode === 10) { document.documentElement.className+=' ie ie10'; }/script
Topic functions linking customization Wordpress javascript
Category Web