Listing all users by their avatars in wordpress
I want to list pictures of all avatars how do I do this
I want to list pictures of all avatars how do I do this
$users = get_users( array( 'fields' => array( 'ID' ) ) );
// Array of stdClass objects.
foreach ( $users as $user ) :
$avatar = get_avatar_url( $user->ID );
// If you want to retrieve specifc size image.
// $avatar = get_avatar_url( $user->ID, array( 'size' => '300') );
if ( $avatar ) :
echo '<img src=" ' . esc_url( $avatar ) . ' " />';
You can jump start by using following example. Here I'll be listing users and loop through them to display avatar and display name.
$blogusers = get_users();
// Array of WP_User objects.
foreach ( $blogusers as $user ) {
/* Here passing user email and avater size */
echo get_avatar( $user->user_email , 96 );
echo '<span>' . esc_html( $user->display_name ) . '</span>';
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