Listing of all uploaded files in network sites

Can I list all files uploaded by users in Network sites? In Multisite each user can manage their files with their own blog but the Super admin can't monitor all the uploaded can i do that?

Topic listing uploads multisite Wordpress

Category Web

WordPress 3.7 introduced wp_get_sites() which will return an array of sites in a WordPress Multisite network. This can replace get_blog_ids().

You have to run through each blog and fetch the recent attachments with:

$args    = array (
    'post_type'   => 'attachment',
    'numberposts' => 30
$attachments = get_posts( $args );

Dashboard widgets are registered on wp_network_dashboard_setup in multi-site and wp_dashboard_setup in single-site.

Make sure to add the following line to the plugin header to get the plugin network enabled:

 * Network:     true 

Then you can get a table like this:

enter image description here

(from my local dev site, yes, it looks a little bit strange)

Sample plugin, very raw!

<?php # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 * Plugin Name: List recent uploads in a network
 * Version:     2013.04.21
 * Network:     true

if ( is_multisite() )
        array ( 'T5_Recent_Uploads_Dashboard_Widget', 'register' )
        array ( 'T5_Recent_Uploads_Dashboard_Widget', 'register' )

class T5_Recent_Uploads_Dashboard_Widget
    protected static $instance = NULL;

    protected $max_items = 30;

    public static function register()
        self::$instance = new self;

            'Recent Uploads',
            array ( self::$instance, 'render' )

    public function render()
        $uploads = $this->get_recent_uploads();

        if ( empty ( $uploads ) )
            return print '<p>No new uploads</p>';

        printf( '<p>%d new uploads.</p>', count( $uploads ) );

        print $this->get_attachment_table( $uploads );

        // inspect content here
        //print '<pre>$uploads = ' . htmlspecialchars( var_export( $uploads, TRUE ), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8', FALSE ) . '</pre>';

    protected function get_recent_uploads()
        if ( ! is_multisite() )
            return $this->get_attachments();

        $uploads      = array();
        $current_blog = get_current_blog_id();
        $blogs        = $this->get_blog_ids();

        foreach ( $blogs as $blog )
            switch_to_blog( $blog->blog_id );
            $attachments = $this->get_attachments();

            foreach ( $attachments as $attachment )
                $uploads[] = $this->prepare_attachment( $attachment, $blog );

        // restore current blog
        switch_to_blog( $current_blog );

        return array_slice( $uploads, 0, $this->max_items );

    protected function prepare_attachment( $attachment, $blog )
        $attachment->blog_id   = $blog->blog_id;
        $attachment->blog_name = get_bloginfo( 'name' );
        $attachment->edit      = get_edit_post_link( $attachment->ID );

        return $attachment;

    protected function get_blog_ids()
        global $wpdb;

        $query = $wpdb->prepare(
            "SELECT blog_id
                FROM $wpdb->blogs
                WHERE site_id    = %d
                AND public   = '1'
                AND archived = '0'
                AND mature   = '0'
                AND spam     = '0'
                AND deleted  = '0'
                ORDER BY blog_id",

        return $wpdb->get_results( $query );

    protected function get_attachment_table( $attachments )
        $table = '<table class="widefat">' . $this->get_table_header() . '<tbody>';

        foreach ( $attachments as $attachment )
            $table .= $this->get_row( $attachment );

        return "$table</tbody></table>";

    protected function get_attachments()
        $args    = array (
            'post_type'   => 'attachment',
            'numberposts' => $this->max_items

        return get_posts( $args );

    protected function get_table_header()
        $columns = array ( 'Attachment', 'User', 'Date' );

        if ( is_multisite() )
            $columns[] = 'Site';

        $header  = '<tr><th>' . join( '</th><th>', $columns ) . '</th></tr>';
        return "<thead>$header</thead><tfoot>$header</tfoot>";


    protected function get_row( $attachment )
        $cells   = array ();
        $cells[] = $this->get_attachment_title( $attachment );
        $cells[] = $this->get_user_link( $attachment );
        $cells[] = mysql2date( 'Y.m.d', $attachment->post_date );

        if ( is_multisite() )
            $cells[] = $attachment->blog_name;

        return '<tr><td>' . join( '</td><td>', $cells ) . '</td></tr>';

    protected function get_attachment_title( $attachment )
        $title = $attachment->post_title;

        if ( empty ( $title ) )
            $title = basename( $attachment->guid );

        return "<a href='$attachment->edit'>$title</a>";

    protected function get_user_link( $attachment )
        $name = get_the_author_meta( 'nickname', $attachment->post_author );
        $url = network_admin_url( 'user-edit.php?user_id=' . $attachment->post_author );

        return "<a href='$url'>$name</a>";


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