Logistic regression does cannot converge without poor model performance
I have a multi-class classification logistic regression model. Using a very basic sklearn pipeline I am taking in cleansed text descriptions of an object and classifying said object into a category.
logreg = Pipeline([('vect', CountVectorizer()),
('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),
('clf', LogisticRegression(n_jobs=1, C=cVal)),
Initially I began with a regularisation strength of C = 1e5 and achieved 78% accuracy on my test set and nearly 100% accuracy in my training set (not sure if this is common or not). However, even though the model achieved reasonable accuracy I was warned that the model did not converge and that I should increase the maximum number of iterations or scale the data.
ConvergenceWarning: lbfgs failed to converge (status=1):
Increase the number of iterations (max_iter) or scale the data as shown in:
Please also refer to the documentation for alternative solver options:
Changing max_iter did nothing, however modifying C allowed the model to converge but resulted in poor accuracy. Here are the results of testing varying C values:
C = 0.1
Model trained with accuracy 0.266403785488959 in 0.99mins
maxCoeff 7.64751682657047
aveProb 0.1409874146376454
[0.118305 0.08591412 0.09528015 ... 0.19066049 0.09083797 0.0999868 ]
C = 1
Model trained with accuracy 0.6291798107255521 in 1.72mins
maxCoeff 16.413911220284994
aveProb 0.4221365866656076
[0.46077294 0.80758323 0.12618175 ... 0.91545935 0.79839096 0.13214606]
(no converge)
C = 10
Model trained with accuracy 0.7720820189274448 in 1.9mins
maxCoeff 22.719712528228182
aveProb 0.7013386216302577
[0.92306384 0.97842762 0.71936027 ... 0.98604736 0.98845931 0.20129053]
(no converge)
C = 100
Model trained with accuracy 0.7847003154574133 in 1.89mins
maxCoeff 40.572468674674916
aveProb 0.8278969567537955
[0.98949986 0.99777337 0.94394682 ... 0.99882797 0.99992239 0.28833321]
(no converge)
C = 1000
Model trained with accuracy 0.7796529968454259 in 1.85mins
maxCoeff 72.19441171771533
aveProb 0.8845385182334065
[0.99817968 0.99980068 0.98481744 ... 0.9999964 0.99999998 0.36462353]
(no converge)
C = 10000
Model trained with accuracy 0.7757097791798108 in 1.88mins
maxCoeff 121.56900229473293
aveProb 0.9351308553465546
[0.99994777 0.99999677 0.98521023 ... 0.99999987 1. 0.48251051]
(no converge)
C = 100000
Model trained with accuracy 0.7785488958990536 in 1.84mins
maxCoeff 160.02719692775156
aveProb 0.9520556562102963
[0.99999773 0.99999977 0.98558839 ... 0.99999983 1. 0.54044361]
So as you can see, the model training only converges at values of C between 1e-3 to 1 but does not achieve the accuracy seen with higher C values that do not converge.
Update: Here are learning curves for C = 1 and C = 1e5. As I mentioned in passing earlier, the training curve seems to always be 1 or nearly 1 (0.9999999) with a high value of C and no convergence, however things look much more normal in the case of C = 1 where the optimisation converges. This seems odd to me...
C = 1, converges
Here is the result of testing different solvers
Solver = newton-cg
Model trained with accuracy 0.7810725552050474 in 6.23mins
ConvergenceWarning: lbfgs failed to converge (status=1):
Increase the number of iterations (max_iter) or scale the data as shown in:
Please also refer to the documentation for alternative solver options:
Solver = lbfgs
Model trained with accuracy 0.7847003154574133 in 1.93mins
Solver = liblinear
Model trained with accuracy 0.7779179810725552 in 0.27mins
ConvergenceWarning: The max_iter was reached which means the coef_ did not converge
the coef_ did not converge, ConvergenceWarning)
Solver = sag
Model trained with accuracy 0.7818611987381704 in 0.47mins
ConvergenceWarning: The max_iter was reached which means the coef_ did not converge
the coef_ did not converge, ConvergenceWarning)
Solver = saga
Model trained with accuracy 0.782018927444795 in 0.54mins
Is this common behaviour? Based on this behaviour can anyone tell if I am going about this the wrong way?