Logistic Regression Multi-level Independent variables
im trying to study logistic regression, when i did the target variable with all features, i had the summary showing the p-values as usual, but one for the features has 60 level, another feature has 13 level, so how can i proceed with this kind of data, knowing that some of these level has significant low p-values but others dont, so i cant drop the feature completely for example below is a sample of the summary, please your advise
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(|z|)
(Intercept) 3.262e+01 3.241e+00 10.063 2e-16 ***
Perc_PaidCash 1.932e+00 4.887e-02 39.541 2e-16 ***
AgeYear -1.426e-02 1.363e-03 -10.463 2e-16 ***
Income -1.256e-06 1.818e-07 -6.909 4.88e-12 ***
PremLate_3_6_Months1 9.494e-01 3.946e-02 24.063 2e-16 ***
PremLate_3_6_Months2 1.646e+00 5.760e-02 28.566 2e-16 ***
PremLate_3_6_Months3 1.796e+00 8.309e-02 21.612 2e-16 ***
PremLate_3_6_Months4 2.315e+00 1.339e-01 17.294 2e-16 ***
PremLate_3_6_Months5 2.238e+00 2.311e-01 9.688 2e-16 ***
PremLate_3_6_Months6 3.010e+00 3.298e-01 9.128 2e-16 ***
PremLate_3_6_Months7 1.404e+00 5.906e-01 2.378 0.017407 *
PremLate_3_6_Months8 2.372e+00 6.701e-01 3.539 0.000401 ***
PremLate_3_6_Months9 1.509e+01 3.151e+02 0.048 0.961804
PremLate_3_6_Months11 1.506e+01 4.414e+02 0.034 0.972778
PremLate_3_6_Months13 1.507e+01 6.590e+02 0.023 0.981755
PremLate_6_12_Late1 2.020e+00 5.056e-02 39.951 2e-16 ***
PremLate_6_12_Late2 2.489e+00 8.987e-02 27.699 2e-16 ***
PremLate_6_12_Late3 3.570e+00 1.623e-01 21.999 2e-16 ***
PremLate_6_12_Late4 3.792e+00 2.658e-01 14.269 2e-16 ***
PremLate_6_12_Late5 2.891e+00 4.179e-01 6.919 4.56e-12 ***
PremLate_6_12_Late6 -4.017e-01 6.057e-01 -0.663 0.507230
PremLate_6_12_Late7 3.267e+00 5.779e-01 5.653 1.57e-08 ***
PremLate_6_12_Late8 1.574e+01 4.959e+02 0.032 0.974680
PremLate_6_12_Late9 1.471e+01 3.415e+02 0.043 0.965643
PremLate_6_12_Late10 -1.654e+01 1.455e+03 -0.011 0.990934