Looking to exclude blog posts from category Previous/Next buttons
I'm working on some conditional elements here and I thought I had it but it's still not working right. You can see my site here.
What I've done is displayed only category Legal Libation Columns (98) on this page and excluded it form the blog itself. Perfect.
But when you click on a post to view the whole article then head to either the previous or next links to read another blog post it has them all mixed up.
Here is what I've placed in my single.php to prevent that. By themselves they work but together in an if else they
?php if (has_category('Legal Libation Columns') has_tag('Legal Libation Columns')): ?
span class="nav-previous"?php previous_post_link('%link', 'span class="meta-nav"larr;/span Previous in Legal Libation Columns', TRUE); ?/span
span class="nav-next"?php next_post_link('%link', 'Next in Legal Libation Columns span class="meta-nav"rarr;/span', TRUE); ?/span
?php else: ?
span class="nav-previous"?php previous_post_link( '%link', __( 'span class="meta-nav"larr;/span Previous', 'toolbox' ) ); ?/span
span class="nav-next"?php next_post_link( '%link', __( 'Next span class="meta-nav"rarr;/span', 'toolbox' ) ); ?/span
?php endif; ?
I basically want this category to be completely separate from the blog. I'm very poor with php or programming methods, any advice on how to change my code to do this?
UPDATE: This is how I'm filtering my category out of the blog
function exclude_category($query) {
if ( $query-is_home() ) {
$query-set('cat', '-98');
return $query;
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category');