Low Original Gravity
I'm making a brown ale with an original gravity of 1.052 to 1.054 and a final gravity of 1.011 - 1.013.
Right before I pitched the yield, I took an accurate reading with a hydrometer of 1.030. Obviously, that's lower than I hoped for. Here's my question. Thet recipe called for 1/2lb of US crystal malt and 4 oz of US chocolate malt to be steeped. I did this. However, it called for 2.75 lbs of light DME and 4 lb of light malt syrup. I only put 3.3lbs of the light malt syrup but I put in 3.3 lbs of the light DME. I didn't mean to do this on purpose really, it's just the amount of ingredients. I had at the time. Is that the recent for the low original gravity reading? Thanks.