"Makeyourowndrinks" Cider smells like sulfur and turned a brownish colour, is this normal?
Let's start by saying that I've done a bit of research about this already, so please understand that I am struggling to find a specific answer to my question.
I'm using a Mixed Berry Cider kit from "Makeyourowndrinks", details can be found at makeyourowndrinks.co.uk and this is the first kit I've attempted so I'm learning a lot.
I sterilized as instructed and measured as instructed and have attempted to keep the batch around 20c (fluctuates between 18c-22c at most).
Around the 4th day, I started to notice a strong rotten eggy smell (As I beleive to be sulfur) and the colour faded from dark purple to a dark browny/orange. The batch is still bubbling away nicely so I'm curious as to if I need to intervene here?
A lot of people online mention the sulfer smell is normal in Cider making and will slowly fade although some also say it's something to be worried about?
Please provide me with a bit of advice about the correct colours and smells for these types of kit and put my mind at ease? Thanks.