Making a strong belgian ale
I'm pretty new to home brewing. I made a 1 gallon Belgian Ale kit which came out pretty good and then did a 5-gallon Strong Belgian Ale recipe I found on the internet which also came out pretty well. There were a few funny flavors in it but overall it was pretty decent considering my lack of experience.
So I'm trying to make that same beer again but there were some mistakes made. I also need to verify some information I got from my local brew store
Mistake #1: I screwed up when I was making my wort. I'm using LME for my wort and the way I believe it should be done is you boil the water, stir in the LME and then bring back to a boil before adding your hops. I accidentally added the hops before it was brought back to a boil. I don't know if it is a deal breaker or not hence my asking.
Mistake #2: I'm using a Wyeast smackpack and there are two pockets of nutrients in it. Only one broke. Not sure if this matters?
Information verification: My recipe calls for 2 packages of yeast. I'm using "Wyeast 1388 Belgian strong ale" smack packs but when I went to my local brew store the guy insisted I only needed one. He seemed really knowledgeable and figuring he had more experience than me I went with it. As of last night I'm in the secondary fermentation, but after racking to the carboy and adding the honey to the wort there is no airlock/bubbler activity at all like there was in the first batch I made.
Maybe I'm being paranoid, but since I only used one pack of yeast I concerned that there may not be enough yeast left to bring this home.
I added the honey as was noted above with a little warm distilled water to thin it out.
My Gravities: Starting OG was 1.072 Finished and stabilized in about a week at 1.010 I just added the honey last night so I haven't taken another measurement yet.
I think I'll grab a second smack pack to hedge my bets. My understanding (Hopefully I'm not wrong) is that it won't have any effect on the taste of the beer as it will just fall to the bottom when there is no more sugar to eat.
I need to read up on making a starter... I've heard that is really the best way to go.
Sorry for the long first post.