Malt bills - Potential extract weight per volume of wort required for target gravity
I'm looking to understand malt bills a bit more. I'm currently reading "Malt - A Practical Guide from Field to Brewhouse" by John Mallet. I'm particularly interested in the section describing the process to calculate a malt bill to achieve a specific Degrees Plato gravity. While I enjoy creating recipes and whatever comes out at the end comes out at the end, I would like to be able to accurately create beer recipes to a specific target gravity, and thus to a more accurate ABV. In one of the first steps it includes the quote:
Next I calculate the total extract needed. By reviewing the ASBC tables we find that 12°P wort contains 32.45 pounds of extract per bbl.
I work in metric and converting that to metric isn't an issue, nor is scaling it to my brew size an issue. However, I am unable to find this reference table anywhere.
Can anyone provide me with a table which lists out a weight of extract per volume of wort to achieve a specific gravity or °P reading?
In either imperial, lbs per bbl, or metric, kg per HL, would be appreciated. I can make any necessary conversions myself.
Topic specific-gravity malt homebrew
Category Mac