Mash & Sparge Calculation
I'm planning on brewing a double batch of "OktoberFAST" this weekend. I've used a few online brewing calculators and they seem to be giving me the wrong answer.
I've always read that if more then 50% of your grain is Pilsner malt you should boil for 90 minutes. Normally every hour of boiling you lose a gallon of water. So if you boil your wort for 90 minutes you'll lose 1.5 gallons of water.
So if I'm planning on making a 12 gallon batch. My pre-boil volume should be 13.5 gallons. The online calculator I always use Brew365 keeps one telling me I need 15 Gallons.
11 # Pilsner
6 # Dark Munich
6 # Vienna
1 # Caramunich
I'm thinking about mashing @ 157.
I know the MAX amount of grain a 10 gallon cooler can hold is 24 pounds.
Could someone help me calculate my Mash/Sparge water for a Single Infusion Batch Sparge?
Topic calculations recipe-scaling sparge homebrew
Category Mac