Mead made from Agave nectar?
The health food store near me has a sale on dark Agave nectar such that 1 kg costs less than their average 1 kg of honey (usually it costs slightly more than honey). I noticed on the nutritional info on the label that it's got roughly the same sugar content as honey, so in theory, I could use agave nectar to make mead, using the same proportions!
Before I attempt this though, I was wondering if anyone out there has already done this.
Is it as straightforward as I am thinking (basically, follow any regular mead recipe but substitute honey for agave nectar)?
Or are there any differences: differences in process / cooking / fermentation; differences in spices or seasonings added; any other possible differences I hadn't thought of...
All else being equal, would using agave nectar produce a significantly differently tasting mead than honey?
Can I even call it "mead" if it's not technially made of honey - should I call it something else?
Some quick research has shown that there is such a drink, called pulque. However, fermentation seems to be driven by bacteria rather than yeast. Has anyone here done this with yeast (since I imagine the right bacteria is harder to get)? Any tips or suggestions?
After a bit more research, it seems that substituting honey for agave in a mead recipe won't yield traditional pulque. I guess it would be agave wine, if nothing else. So maybe the only thing to do is to try it and see what happens!! Anyone have any tips / suggestions?
Topic substitution alternatives mead homebrew
Category Mac