Mean encoding With KFold regularization
I just learned that regularizing
the mean encoding reduce the leakage hence generalize better than mean encoding without it but I made 2 submissions with XGB in predict future sales
competition on Kaggle with the naive mean encoding method and got RMSE = 1.152
and with 5 folds validation and got RMSE = 1.154
which was a surprise for my. Can any one explain why this may happen ? also after making the kfolds regularization every item_id
has multiple mean encoding one for each fold so should I leave the train set in this format or take their mean ? also when applying this to the test should I take the mean and apply it or what ?
I'm encoding the item_id
with the target which is the number of sold items :
Naive method :
all_data['item_target_enc'] = all_data.groupby('item_id') ['item_cnt_month'].transform('mean')
Regularization :
kf = KFold(n_splits = 5 , shuffle = False)
for train_ind, val_ind in kf.split(all_data) :
train_data , val_data = all_data.iloc[train_ind], all_data.iloc[val_ind]
all_data.loc[all_data.index[val_ind] , 'item_target_enc'] = val_data['item_id'].map(train_data.groupby('item_id')['item_cnt_month'].mean())
all_data['item_target_enc'].fillna(all_data.item_cnt_month.mean(), inplace=True) # fill na that happened from values in validation not in the train with the global mean
Here is the encoding result with regularization for each item_id
i got an array which was confusing for my to take the mean or not :
Topic feature-engineering xgboost encoding python machine-learning
Category Data Science