Minimal neccesary time in primary/seconday for a barleywine-braggot
I am still rather beginner (so far a couple of batches), but for the last batch I have taken a brave (irresponsible) step and went for a barley wine-braggot beer. For batch of 22 l In have used +- 6 kg of pale extract, 1 kg of specialty grains (crystal + a bit of chocolate malt) and after 3 days added 2 kg of pasteurized honey into the primary. Fermented with Magrove's Jack Newcastle yeast, keeping it at 19-20 degrees. rack it into secondary for another month and then bottle - but it was based partly on reading, partly on guess. As I am reading into it, I am staring to hesitate. The thing is, I have only a plastic secondary (a large thin-walled plastic bottle you can buy water in for a water cooler) and I am not sure, is it better to rack into thin plastic secondary, or go for bottle conditioning? Also, how long is usually necessary in secondary? I know the longer the better, but when can I more or less expect for the edges to smooth a bit?
Thx for your experience...
Topic secondary barleywine fermentation homebrew
Category Mac