Mirgrating a user at signon
I am migrating a wordpress site to another site. The users from the old site need to work with the new site. I am doing a staggered implementation, so do not want to bring all the users over at once.
Basically, when a user attempts to sign in, before the login is authenticated, if the user does not exist on the new site, I am using an api call to grab the user details from the old site, and create the user on the new site.
I am using the wp_authenticate action to do the checks before the user is authenticated. This works, the user is created, and then the authentication should be done. The authentication fails though. If I then try to login again, it works, so I know the credentials are OK and all of the data has been written correctly.
It feels like during the same trip on the server, I cannot create a user and login.
add_action( 'wp_authenticate' , [$this,preAuthenticate],10,1);
public function preAuthenticate($username) {
try {
if (!filter_var($username, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
throw new \Exception(Not an email address - carry on);
$usr = get_user_by(email, $username);
if ($usr) {
throw new \Exception(Already a user - carry on);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
// no need to do anything
private function getExternalUser($emailAddress) {
try {
$oldUser = $this-readExternalUser($emailAddress);
if (!$oldUser)) {
throw new \Exception(No user found);
$userData = [
'user_pass' = $this-randomPassword(), //This will be updated after the user has been created using the hash passed
'user_login' = $oldUser-login,
'user_nicename' = $oldUser-niceName,
'user_email' = $emailAddress,
'role' = subscriber
$result = wp_insert_user($userData);
$usr = get_user_by(ID, $result);
if (!$usr) {
throw new \Exception(user not created);
global $wpdb;
$wpdb-update($wpdb-users, [user_pass = $oldUser-hash],['ID' = $usr-ID]);
return true;
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
return false;
Topic wp-create-user authentication Wordpress
Category Web