Multiple categories assigned to a single product breaking the breadcrumb
custom bread crumb not working with multiple categories assigned to a single product, we do not have the categories page, so don't want to show categories in the URL, but need to show the categories navigation on the breadcrumb .
function bootstrap_breadcrumb($custom_home_icon = false, $custom_post_types = false)
global $post;
$is_custom_post = $custom_post_types ? is_singular($custom_post_types) : false;
$post_type = get_post_type(get_the_ID());
if (!is_front_page() !is_home()) {
echo 'ol class=d-flex breadcrumb-wrapper';
echo 'lia href=';
echo get_option('home');
echo '';
if ($custom_home_icon) {
echo $custom_home_icon;
} else {
_e('Home', 'star');
echo /a/li;
if (has_category()) {
echo 'li class=activea href=' . esc_url(get_permalink(get_page(get_the_category($post-ID)))) . '';
the_category(', ');
echo '/a/li';
if (is_category() || is_single() || $is_custom_post) {
if (is_category()) {
echo 'li class=activea href=' . esc_url(get_permalink(get_page(get_the_category($post-ID)))) . '' . get_the_category($post-ID)[0]-name . '/a/li';
if ($is_custom_post) {
if (is_singular('projects')) {
$page = get_field('project_archive', 'option');
$project_category = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), 'industry', array(fields = all));
$industry = '';
$term_id = array();
if (sizeof($project_category) 0) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($project_category as $lat_project) {
$term_id[] = $lat_project-term_id;
$custom_link = get_field('custom_url', $lat_project-taxonomy . '_' . $lat_project-term_id);
$term_link = get_term_link($lat_project-slug, 'industry');
if ($custom_link == '') {
$custom_link = $term_link;
if ($count == 0) {
$industry = 'a href=' . $custom_link . '' . $lat_project-name . '/a';
echo 'li class=activea href=' . get_permalink($page) . '' . get_post_type_object(get_post_type($post))-label . '/a/li';
if ($industry != '') {
echo 'li class=active' . $industry . '/li';
} elseif (is_singular('products')) {
$page = get_field('product_archive', 'option');
$product_category = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), 'product_category', array(fields = all));
$prod_cat = '';
$term_id = array();
if (sizeof($product_category) 0) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($product_category as $lat_product) {
$term_id[] = $lat_product-term_id;
$custom_link = get_field('custom_url', $lat_product-taxonomy . '_' . $lat_product-term_id);
//$pageSlug = basename($custom_link);
$pageIdfromslug = url_to_postid($custom_link);
$current_post = get_post($pageIdfromslug);
$postParent_id = $current_post-post_parent;
$postParent = get_post($postParent_id);
if ($postParent-post_parent 0) {
$postparent_title = $postParent-post_title;
$postparent_link = get_permalink($postParent_id);
$term_link = get_term_link($lat_product-slug, 'product_category');
if ($custom_link == '') {
$custom_link = $term_link;
if ($count == 0) {
if ($postparent_title != ) {
$prod_cat = 'a href=' . $postparent_link . '' . $postparent_title . '/a';
$prod_cat .= 'a href=' . $custom_link . '' . $lat_product-name . '/a';
echo 'li class=activea href=' . get_permalink($page) . '' . get_post_type_object(get_post_type($post))-label . '/a/li';
if ($prod_cat != '') {
echo 'li class=active' . $prod_cat . '/li';
} elseif (is_singular('resources')) {
$page = get_field('resource_archive', 'option');
echo 'li class=activea href=' . get_permalink($page) . '' . get_post_type_object(get_post_type($post))-label . '/a/li';
} else {
echo 'li class=activea href=' . get_option('home') . '/' . get_post_type_object(get_post_type($post))-name . '' . get_post_type_object(get_post_type($post))-label . '/a/li';
if ($post-post_parent) {
$home = get_page(get_option('page_on_front'));
for ($i = count($post-ancestors) - 1; $i = 0; $i--) {
if (($home-ID) != ($post-ancestors[$i])) {
echo 'lia href=';
echo get_permalink($post-ancestors[$i]);
echo '';
echo get_the_title($post-ancestors[$i]);
echo /a/li;
} elseif ($post_type == 'products') {
$page = get_field('product_archive', 'option');
$product_category = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), 'product_category', array(fields = all));
$prod_cat = '';
$term_id = array();
if (sizeof($product_category) 0) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($product_category as $lat_product) {
$term_id[] = $lat_product-term_id;
$custom_link = get_field('custom_url', $lat_product-taxonomy . '_' . $lat_product-term_id);
//$pageSlug = basename($custom_link);
$pageIdfromslug = url_to_postid($custom_link);
$current_post = get_post($pageIdfromslug);
$postParent_id = $current_post-post_parent;
$postParent = get_post($postParent_id);
if ($postParent-post_parent 0) {
$postparent_title = $postParent-post_title;
$postparent_link = get_permalink($postParent_id);
$postParent_Id2 = $postParent-post_parent;
$postParent2 = get_post($postParent_Id2);
if ($postParent2-post_parent 0) {
$postParent_title2 = $postParent2-post_title;
$postparent_link2 = get_permalink($postParent_Id2);
$term_link = get_term_link($lat_product-slug, 'product_category');
if ($custom_link == '') {
$custom_link = $term_link;
if ($count == 0) {
if ($postParent_title2 != ) {
$prod_cat = 'a href=' . $postparent_link2 . '' . $postParent_title2 . '/a';
if ($postparent_title != ) {
$prod_cat .= 'a href=' . $postparent_link . '' . $postparent_title . '/a';
$prod_cat .= 'a href=' . $custom_link . '' . $lat_product-name . '/a';
echo 'li class=activea href=' . get_permalink($page) . '' . get_post_type_object(get_post_type($post))-label . '/a/li';
if ($prod_cat != '') {
echo 'li class=active' . $prod_cat . '/li';
if (is_single()) {
echo 'li class=active' . get_the_title($post-ID) . '/li';
} elseif (is_page() $post-post_parent) {
$home = get_page(get_option('page_on_front'));
for ($i = count($post-ancestors) - 1; $i = 0; $i--) {
if (($home-ID) != ($post-ancestors[$i])) {
echo 'lia href=';
echo get_permalink($post-ancestors[$i]);
echo '';
echo get_the_title($post-ancestors[$i]);
echo /a/li;
echo 'li class=active' . get_the_title($post-ID) . '/li';
} elseif (is_page()) {
echo 'li class=active' . get_the_title($post-ID) . '/li';
} elseif (is_404()) {
echo 'li class=active404/li';
echo '/ol';
Topic twitter-bootstrap breadcrumb categories customization custom-post-types Wordpress
Category Web