Multiple Custom Taxonomy Dropdowns Lists
I have 3 hierarchical (category-like) custom taxonomies in a WP site, books
, characters
and writers
. I want to create a dynamically populated dropdown menu of terms for each of these in the site's sidebar, so that on selecting a term in any of the dropdown the site automatically loads the corresponding archive.
Using the method described here I can get this working on one taxonomy only. As soon as I add more I find that only the last one works.
Here's what I have so far. Clearly I need to find a way for later instances of the function to not over-ride the earlier ones. I thought that changing the IDs and function names would do this but it's clearly not that simple.
$writers = get_categories('taxonomy=writers');
$select = select name='writers' id='writers' class='postform'n;
$select.= option value='-1'Writers/optionn;
foreach($writers as $writer){
if($writer-count 0){
$select.= option value='.$writer-slug.'.$writer-name./option;
$select.= /select;
echo $select;
$characters = get_categories('taxonomy=characters');
$select = select name='characters' id='characters' class='postform'n;
$select.= option value='-1'Characters/optionn;
foreach($characters as $character){
if($character-count 0){
$select.= option value='.$character-slug.'.$character-name./option;
$select.= /select;
echo $select;
$books = get_categories('taxonomy=books');
$select = select name='books' id='books' class='postform'n;
$select.= option value='-1'Books/optionn;
foreach($books as $book){
if($book-count 0){
$select.= option value='.$book-slug.'.$book-name./option;
$select.= /select;
echo $select;
var dropdown = document.getElementById(writers);
function onWriterChange() {
if ( dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value != -1 ) {
location.href = ?php echo home_url();?/writer/+dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value+/;
dropdown.onchange = onWriterChange;
var dropdown = document.getElementById(characters);
function onCharacterChange() {
if ( dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value != -1 ) {
location.href = ?php echo home_url();?/character/+dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value+/;
dropdown.onchange = onCharacterChange;
var dropdown = document.getElementById(books);
function onBookChange() {
if ( dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value != -1 ) {
location.href = ?php echo home_url();?/book/+dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value+/;
dropdown.onchange = onBookChange;
Many thanks for any help.
Topic dropdown select custom-taxonomy Wordpress
Category Web