Multiple Dropdown's with Submit Button

I am pulling 2 categories into 2 dropdown lists. When I click submit the URL is showing the filtering but its just loading the homepage. I want the user to be able to select multiple categories and submit to show results.

    ?php $price = array(
    'show_option_all'    = '',
    'show_option_none'   = 'Price Range:',
    'orderby'            = 'ID', 
    'order'              = 'ASC',
    'show_count'         = 1,
    'hide_empty'         = 1, 
    'child_of'           = 110,
    'exclude'            = '',
    'echo'               = 1,
    'selected'           = 0,
    'hierarchical'       = 1, 
    'name'               = 'price',
    'id'                 = '',
    'class'              = 'styled-select',
    'depth'              = 0,
    'tab_index'          = 0,
    'taxonomy'           = 'category',
    'hide_if_empty'      = false
    ); ?

    ?php $region = array(
    'show_option_all'    = '',
    'show_option_none'   = 'Region:',
    'orderby'            = 'ID', 
    'order'              = 'ASC',
    'show_count'         = 1,
    'hide_empty'         = 1, 
    'child_of'           = 32,
    'exclude'            = '',
    'echo'               = 1,
    'selected'           = 0,
    'hierarchical'       = 1, 
    'name'               = 'region',
    'id'                 = '',
    'class'              = 'styled-select',
    'depth'              = 0,
    'tab_index'          = 0,
    'taxonomy'           = 'category',
    'hide_if_empty'      = false
    ); ?

    div class="search"

    form method="get" action="?php bloginfo('siteurl'); ?" id="category" 

    div class="four columns"
    div class="search_drop"?php wp_dropdown_categories( $price); ? /div

    div class="four columns"
    div class="search_drop"?php wp_dropdown_categories( $region); ? /div

    div class="four columns"
    input type="submit" name="submit" value="Filter" class="button" //form


Topic dropdown categories Wordpress

Category Web

All three of your dropdowns have the same name in the args so I'm guessing the last one is being used as the default. Give each one a unique name in the args and then use that name to pull the info from $_POST


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