Multiple languages menus problem
I'm trying to add language option to my website. I've coded my theme and I need to show the web in three different languages. I've got the little flags and I've managed to pass a php variable with the language it's selected. With that variable I've made a if for the wp_nav_menu assignment in the header.php. It works actually. When I change the language the correct menu in the correct language comes up. The problem is that when I hit in a menu item and the selected page opens the menu is gone. Disappears. Can anybody help me, plase? Here is the code I use.
In header.php
if ($language == 'en') {
'theme_location' = 'eng',
'container_class' = 'main-nav',
'container' = 'nav'
} else if ($language == 'de') {
'theme_location' = 'ger',
'container_class' = 'main-nav',
'container' = 'nav'
} else {
'theme_location' = 'esp',
'container_class' = 'main-nav',
'container' = 'nav'
And in the functions.php
add_theme_support ('menus');
//Create Nav Menu
if (function_exists ('register_nav_menus')) {
register_nav_menus (array(
'esp' = 'Spanish menu',
'eng' = 'English menu',
'ger' = 'Deutsch menu'
And the html for the flag link in header.php
lia href="http://localhost/wordpress/inicio?language=es" img src="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/themes/wordpressthemeAPI2/img/espflag.PNG" width="18" height="12" onmouseover="this.src='http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/themes/wordpressthemeAPI2/img/espH.PNG'" onmouseout="this.src='http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/themes/wordpressthemeAPI2/img/espflag.PNG'"/a/li
Topic multi-language menus Wordpress
Category Web