Multiple pages protected by different passwords. Possible to track multiple passwords at a time?
I'm creating pages in a portal that are all available to the user but every page is password protected. The user will receive an email ea. month with the password for that months page to view the content.
By default, Wordpress does the following (this is from their codex page):
WordPress will only track one password at a time. Therefore, if two posts use two different passwords, entering the password for post A, then entering the password for post B means that revisiting post A (or any post which shares its password) will require the user to re-enter the password for post A.
My question is if there is a way to make it so multiple passwords are stored in the browser cookie so that when the user revisits post A (in the example above) they will not have to re-enter the password. Ideally, I'd like it to store all of the passwords for all of the separate password protected pages so that once the user enters the password the first time, they won't have to ever enter it again (unless of course they clear browser cookies).
Thanks for your help!