Multisite problem with unexisting paths to CSS etc
I have the multisite Wordpress site:
Now when the post is published on main site (, it looks fine because bunch of resources are OK path:
and that URL actually exist.
However, all my subsites create automatically resources links like this:
Notice it cosiders to be the root, and just concate the rest...
And everything on the page is rendered like that! And that URL and bunch of other URLs doesn't exist, so my CSS cracks and who knows what else...
Here's my web.config part (Wordpress gave me that code when I was setting up Multisite option and it runs on IIS)
rule name=WordPress Rule 1 stopProcessing=true
match url=^index\.php$ ignoreCase=false /
action type=None /
rule name=WordPress Rule 2 stopProcessing=true
match url=^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-admin$ ignoreCase=false /
action type=Redirect url={R:1}wp-admin/ redirectType=Permanent /
rule name=WordPress Rule 3 stopProcessing=true
match url=^ ignoreCase=false /
conditions logicalGrouping=MatchAny
add input={REQUEST_FILENAME} matchType=IsFile ignoreCase=false /
add input={REQUEST_FILENAME} matchType=IsDirectory ignoreCase=false /
action type=None /
rule name=WordPress Rule 4 stopProcessing=true
match url=^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) ignoreCase=false /
action type=Rewrite url={R:1} /
rule name=WordPress Rule 5 stopProcessing=true
match url=^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*\.php)$ ignoreCase=false /
action type=Rewrite url={R:2} /
rule name=WordPress Rule 6 stopProcessing=true
match url=. ignoreCase=false /
action type=Rewrite url=index.php /