My ingredient quantities seem a bit off
Planning a new extract brew. I'm normally one to wing the quantities a bit but as I'm attempting a higher-than-average ABV this time round I've put together a recipe using the Brewers' Friend recipe calculator. I know it's not 100% accurate but in terms of making sure I have enough fermentables and bittering hops it's certainly better than me.
Recipe is as follows:-
23L batch. 10L boil.
5kg light liquid malt extract
100g Apollo hops - 60min boil - 19% AA
75g Dr Rudi hops - 30min boil - 11.7% AA
25g El Dorado hops - 30min boil - 14.1% AA
25g Dr Rudi hops - 15min boil - 11.7% AA
75g El Dorado hops - 15min boil - 14.1% AA
Will be fermenting with Safbrew S-33 yeast (for high(er) ABV beers)
Predicted properties
Original Gravity: 1.063. Final Gravity: 1.012. ABV: 6.75%. IBU: 150.84.
In my limited brewing experience, 300g of hops seems a lot. How trustworthy is this recipe builder?
Another side question - would using bottle mineral water have a noticeable impact on the flavour of the final product?
Topic ingredients ibu hops homebrew
Category Mac