Neural Nets: unordered sets of ordered tuples as features of data
I'm working on a very small scale pet project in which inputs are essentially sets of (x, y) pairs, and are to be classified into categories, using deep learning, specifically using Keras (I know this may not be the best for this, but it's more of a proof of concept / I want to try it out).
However, I'm not sure how to go about representing the data.
I'm starting with a simple classification problem (i.e. if (a, b) is a feature of a sample, and a and b are both within 5% of a certain (c, d), then they are a positive example, and not otherwise), but I'm not sure how to represent the data such that the network can learn this.
I was thinking of doing one-hot encoding, but then the dimensionality of the data may grow immensely (x and y both take on values in a continuous interval), and I'm worried that it would not generalize well to data augmentation (I would augment the data by adding noise to each x, y).
Any ideas?
Topic representation keras deep-learning neural-network
Category Data Science