Neural network for MNIST: very low accuracy
I am working on solving the handwritten digit recognition problem by implementing a neural network. But the accuracy of the network is coming out to be very low, around 11% for the train dataset. I am not sure what is wrong with my program. I tried changing the learning rate and the number of hidden units, but no luck. Could anyone please take a look and help me out with what I am missing? I am pasting my Julia code below:
# install
using MNIST
# training data
X,y = traindata();
m = size(X, 2);
inputLayerSize = size(X,1);
hiddenLayerSize = 300;
outputLayerSize = 10;
# representing each output as an array of size of the output layer
eyeY = eye(outputLayerSize);
intY = [convert(Int64,i)+1 for i in y];
Y = zeros(outputLayerSize, m);
for i = 1:m
Y[:,i] = eyeY[:,intY[i],];
# weights with bias
Theta1 = randn(inputLayerSize+1, hiddenLayerSize);
Theta2 = randn(hiddenLayerSize+1, outputLayerSize);
function sigmoid(z)
g = 1.0 ./ (1.0 + exp(-z));
return g;
function sigmoidGradient(z)
return sigmoid(z).*(1-sigmoid(z));
# learning rate
alpha = 0.01;
# number of iterations
epoch = 20;
# cost per epoch
J = zeros(epoch,1);
# backpropagation algorithm
for i = 1:epoch
for j = 1:m # for each input
# Feedforward
# input layer
# add one bias element
x1 = [1, X[:,j]];
# hidden layer
z2 = Theta1'*x1;
x2 = sigmoid(z2);
# add one bias element
x2 = [1, x2];
# output layer
z3 = Theta2'*x2;
x3 = sigmoid(z3);
# Backpropagation process
# delta for output layer
delta3 = x3 - Y[:,j];
delta2 = (Theta2[2:end,:]*delta3).*sigmoidGradient(z2) ;
# update weights
Theta1 = Theta1 - alpha* x1*delta2';
Theta2 = Theta2 - alpha* x2*delta3';
function predict(Theta1, Theta2, X)
m = size(X, 2);
p = zeros(m, 1);
h1 = sigmoid(Theta1'*[ones(1,size(X,2)), X]);
h2 = sigmoid(Theta2'*[ones(1,size(h1,2)), h1]);
# 1 index is for 0, 2 for 1 forth
for i=1:m
p[i,:] = indmax(h2[:,i])-1;
return p;
function accuracy(truth, prediction)
m = length(truth);
sum =0;
for i=1:m
if truth[i,:] == pred[i,:]
sum = sum +1;
return (sum/m)*100;
pred = predict(Theta1, Theta2, X);
println("train accuracy: ", accuracy(y, pred));
Topic julia neural-network machine-learning
Category Data Science