No featured media in API request

when I make a request to http://localhost/wordpress/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/?_embedcategories=${categoryId}per_page=${state.perPage}

I get the following result

    id: 3,
    date: '2019-04-20T16:10:00',
    date_gmt: '2019-04-20T16:10:00',
    guid: {
      rendered: 'http://localhost/wordpress/?p=3'
    modified: '2019-04-20T16:36:30',
    modified_gmt: '2019-04-20T16:36:30',
    slug: 'slug-title',
    status: 'publish',
    type: 'post',
    link: 'http://localhost/wordpress/2019/04/20/slug-title/',
    title: {
      rendered: 'title'
    content: {
      rendered: '\nfigure class="wp-block-image"img ' +
        'src="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/sirius.jpg" ' +
        'alt="" class="wp-image-4" ' +
        'srcset="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/sirius.jpg ' +
        '370w, ' +
        'http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/sirius-217x300.jpg ' +
        '217w" sizes="(max-width: 370px) 100vw, 370px" ' +
      protected: false
    excerpt: {
      rendered: '',
      protected: false
    author: 1,
    featured_media: 0,
    comment_status: 'open',
    ping_status: 'open',
    sticky: false,
    template: '',
    format: 'standard',
    meta: [],
    categories: [
    tags: [],
    _links: {
      self: [Array],
      collection: [Array],
      about: [Array],
      author: [Array],
      replies: [Array],
      'version-history': [Array],
      'predecessor-version': [Array],
      'wp:attachment': [Array],
      'wp:term': [Array],
      curies: [Array]
    _embedded: {
      author: [Array],
      'wp:term': [Array]

But as you can see there is no featured_media. Do I have a misunderstanding about featured_media? I made my post with an image like you can see in content.rendered

Topic wp-api Wordpress

Category Web

You don't set featured image for your post ,so return 0 in feature image obj. after set it you can use featured image obj.

for example: I wrote this with PHP, you can upload this to another host and display the images of the WordPress website that you specified in the URL variable on those hosts.

$url = 'url of your wordpress website';
function Json_Data_Decoder($query){     
    global $url;
    $json = file_get_contents($url.'/wp-json/wp/v2/'. $query);
    $data = json_decode($json);
    return $data;
function Get_Media($post_media){
    global $url;
    $json = file_get_contents($url.'/wp-json/wp/v2/media?include='.$post_media);
    $medias = json_decode($json);
    $featured_image = $medias[0]->media_details->sizes->medium->source_url;
    return $featured_image;

$posts = Json_Data_Decoder('posts');
foreach ($posts as $post){
    // get media 
    $post_media = $post->featured_media;
    $featured_image = Get_media($post_media);
    '<article class="post image">
            <img src="'.
                $featured_image .


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