ob_get_clean(); doesn't return $value in shortcode?
i using this code:
?php ob_start(); echo 'div class="judul"h3 style="text-align: center;"strongDownload ?php echo esc_html( $judul ); ? Batch Kumpulan Subtitle Indonesia/strong/h3/div';
echo 'pdiv class="deps"h4';
echo "strongEpisode $bepisode/strong/h4";
echo '/div/p';
echo 'div class="dfr"';
echo "strong$bkualitas/strongbr/";
echo '/div';
echo 'div class="dln"';
echo "nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;strong$blink/strongbr/br/";
echo '/div';
echo 'div class="dfr"';
echo "strong$bkualitas2/strongbr/";
echo '/div';
echo 'div class="dln"';
echo "nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;strong$blink2/strongbr/br/";
echo '/div';
echo 'div class="dfr"';
echo "strong$bkualitas3/strongbr/";
echo '/div';
echo 'div class="dln"';
echo "nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;strong$blink3/strongbr/br/";
echo '/div'; $out = ob_get_clean(); ?
then using this code in single.php :
?php echo do_shortcode( '[restabs alignment="osc-tabs-center" responsive="false" tabcolor="#c1c1c1" tabheadcolor="#0a0a0a" seltabcolor="#8c8c8c" seltabheadcolor="#ffffff" tabhovercolor="#8c8c8c" responsive="true" icon="true" text="More"][restab title="Link Batch" active="active"]' . $out . '[/restab][/restabs]' );?
why there is no meta value output?
but without using ob_get_clean(); and shortcode, i can get output like this :
does ob_get_clean(); clear all $value? or $value doesn't work with shortcode?