Off flavor/odor from cold break
On page 63 of Brewing Better Beer, Gordon Strong says,
Some of the cold break material can actually help the yeast, but too much can contribute off-flavors.
I can attest to both of these. A couple of times I have,
- pitched
- let the trub settle for a couple of hours
- racked the really clear wort to a fermenter
Since I was left with a bit of trub that had a bit of nice wort in it, I fermented a bit of it in PET bottle. The fermentation took off extremely fast. But the resulting "beer" had a pretty nasty smell.
My question: Can anyone tell me what the off smell/taste from excess cold break is? Is it one of the common ones, like diacetyl, acetaldehde, etc.? I couldn't identify it, but it was pretty distinct. I often detect this same aroma at bottling time, but it always goes away soon after bottling.
Topic trub aroma off-flavor homebrew
Category Mac