Online wc-blocks-style.css rendering instead of the hosted wc-blocks-style.css
On my archive page is a sidebar which has a style I want to edit. On my local machine, the style is in wc-blocks-style.css. I edited it successfully and it renders fine. However, after deployment of the website to CPanel, the style is being rendered from an online wc-blocks-style.css. The style link is as follows:
link rel='stylesheet' id='wc-blocks-style-css' href='' media='all' /
. All other Woocommerce styles are also loaded from this online repository.
My question is, how do I make my page render the hosted wc-blocks-style.css instead of loading from that online repository? I tried looking for the header file so I can edit it there but couldn't locate where the archive product's header is.
Kindly help. Thanks
Topic woocommerce-offtopic css Wordpress
Category Web