Orderby menu_order not working; menu is sorted on publish date
I have made a menu in the admin page ordered like this:
- child 1
- child 2
- child 3
- child 1
- child 2
- child 3
- child 1
- child 2
- child 3
When I load them in my navbar with the following code it works just fine:
wp_nav_menu( array(
'theme_location' = 'menu-1',
'menu_id' = 'primary-menu',
'menu_class' = 'top-menu',
) );
However, I want to load a specific menu on a page based on it's parent. I have done this as followed:
$children = get_posts( array( 'post_parent' = $parent, 'post_type' = 'page', 'numberposts' = 9, 'orderby' = 'menu_order', 'order' = 'ASC'));
But when it is displayed it displays the menu according to their publishing date:
- child 2
- child 1
- child 3
I know I can just change the publishing date but this may conflict in the future.
How do I order these children the same way as I have in the navbar?