Original Gravity too high for Saccharometer Scale
So I want to exceed the scale of my saccharometer scale, which goes up to 25 °P (1.106 SG). Now, I am a programmer and exceeding is my thing. So:
As far as I understand, gravity is linear in nature.
Can I just take a sample of volume V
, dilute to 2*V
with drinking water, put my saccharometer in, read a gravity G
and my correct gravity reading will be G/2
(of course other factors should be possible, but 2
is very comfortable)?
- brew
- take wort sample of 250 ml
- add 250 ml drinking water to sample
- measure 15 °P, measure 20 °C (or correct OG according to temperature)
- actual OG is 30 °P
Or are there any drawbacks?
Topic gravity-reading high-gravity original-gravity homebrew
Category Mac