Own recipe, any hints or tweaks?
A newbie here.
I've brewed thousands of litres of good, bright tasty wine over the years, but this year I've turned my hand to beer. I brewed a Yorkshire bitter already, and am currently brewing a stout. Both from kits. But I like to experiment. I've gathered the following ingredients for a blond beer.
- 1.5 kg extra light spray malt,
- 1 kg of Polenta (ground dried sweetcorn)
- Bottom fermenting lager yeast,
- East Kent Golding hop pellets,
- Yeast nutrient for a lively must,
- A little amylase to pre-treat the polentas remaining starch,
- Dextrose if required.
I am also pondering whether or not to add a little rice flour. I'll be dry-hopping it 5 or so days prior to kegging or lagering, whatever that may be.
I was wondering what more experienced beer brewers think of my planned recipe, and what, if anything, would you change?
Topic recipe lager homebrew experiments
Category Mac