Oxidation in Secondary Fermenter
I have a question about the liklihood of oxidation during secondary fermenting.
I'm brewing a NEIPA, second brew ever, from NorthernBrewer. OG 1.068, now 1.032 after 15 days in primary. Directions called for transfer to secondary for two more weeks (this was optional but I went for it). During transfer with siphon, all was going well until about half way through the 5 gallons, started getting lots of bubbles in the line. I think as the beer got more dense low in the bucket where dry the sludge got stirred up, the siphon started pulling in air around the seal....anyway, lots of bubbles on the way into the fermenter. I'm hoping the yeast isn't completely done in the secondary glass carboy, but not sure.
Any thoughts on oxidation, whether I should add the recommended last dry hops in a couple of days, or just general advice would be appreciated.
Topic oxidation dry-hop secondary-fermentation homebrew
Category Mac