Pitched unnecessary 2nd round of yeast - what will be the effects?
First off, a bit of background:
This is my 3rd batch of homebrew so I am new to this. I'm using the following: Morgan's Golden Saaz Pilsner can of goo, Fermentis Saflager s-23 yeast and a brew booster (Dextrose, malt and corn syrup).
After 2 weeks there was still no bubbling in the airlock so I decided that the yeast must have died and I pitched a 2nd round of yeast and while doing so I noticed a thin rim of krausen on the side of the fermenter. 3 days later there is still no bubbling in the airlock.
I finally realized I should check the specific gravity and noticed it had gone from 1035 down to 1010.
My plan is to bottle a 6 pack and rack the rest off then see how the bottled brew turns out before investing the time in bottling the whole lot.
So, my question(s) is this:
What will the 2nd round of yeast do to this batch? Is it salvageable or should I not waste time with bottling?
Topic pitch fermentation homebrew troubleshooting
Category Mac