Plato degree to specific gravity conversion question
I have a question regarding the conversion from Plato degrees to specific gravity, and the widely used value of 46ppg for sugar dissolved in water.
According to wikipedia, plato degrees are defined by the relative amount of sugar by mass (and not volume).
Consequently, 1 pound of sugar (0.453 kg) in 1 gallon (3.785 liters) gives 0.453/(3.785*0.998+0.453)=10.71% sugar in mass, taking a density of water of 0.998 kg/liter at 20°C. So this would be 10.71 Plato degree.
However, formulas or tables for conversion between Plato degrees and specific gravity give 11.5% sugar for a specific gravity of 1.046.
It appears that there is something I haven't taken into account, but what?
Topic specific-gravity calculations homebrew
Category Mac