Poor mash efficiency - help please
I am a few all-grain brews in using the Robobrew (poor mans Grainfather) and they have actually turned out great!. One thing I haven't been able to figure out though is how to improve efficiency. People say not to worry about it, but it is frustrating having 5.5 - 7kg of grain and then still only producing a 4.5-5.5% abv beer. Also becomes an economical issue - spending more on grain than necessary.
So far I have had the stores mill it for me. I will look to get my own grain mill, however would like to ensure I am doing all I can without it first. I have included some examples below - all at Single step mash - 67c for 60 min, recirculate the mash using pump, mash out at 76c for 10 min, approx 20 Litres water + 10-14L fly sparge, standard 60 min boil. Please let me know if any more detail required:
**Brew 1**
Marris Otter Pale 5kg,
Flaked Oats - 500g
OG: 1.049
Using brewers friend calculators this equates to ~68% mash efficiency
**Brew 2**
American Ale malt (Gladfield) - 5.50 kg
OG: 1.053
Mash efficiency: 73%
**Brew 3**
Marris Otter Pale 5kg,
Flaked Oats - 500g,
Dark Chocolate - 500g
Roast Barley - 500g
Dark Crystal - 250g
OG: 1.055
Mash efficiency: 66%
How can I improve efficiency?
Things tried so far (which have now improved efficiency): 1. stirring the mash regularly 2. 2 step mash at 62c and 66c
Topic mashing sparge homebrew efficiency
Category Mac