Prediction issue with xgboost custom loss
I have an issue with xgboost custom objectives: I do not manage to get consistent forecasts. In other words, the scale of my forecasts is not in line with the values I would like to predict. I tried many custom loss, but I always get the same issue.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xgboost as xgb
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
n_samples_train = 500
n_samples_test = 100
n_features = 200
X, y = make_regression(n_samples_train, n_features,noise=10)
X_test, y_test = make_regression(n_samples_test, n_features,noise=10)
param = {'verbosity' : 1,
'max_depth' : 12,
'learning_rate' : 0.01,
'nthread' : 3,
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X, y)
best_nrounds = 50
bst_reglinear = xgb.train(param,
def reg_obj(preds,dtrain):
y = dtrain.get_label()
N = len(y)
#residual = (preds-y).astype("float")
grad = 2*preds-y
hess = 2*N*np.ones(len(y))
return grad, hess
bst_custom = xgb.train(param,
obj = reg_obj)
dtest = xgb.DMatrix(X_test)
pred = bst_reglinear.predict(dtest)
pred_custom = bst_custom.predict(dtest)
Topic prediction xgboost machine-learning
Category Data Science