Problem in performing LOOCV
I am trying to run LOOCV on my regression model. I tried to run it in r and encountered the following warning message:
Warning message in y - yhat: "longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length”
This is my model:
x=glm(x,data = full_data)
Variables used in glm are:
target_deathrate ~ avganncount + avgdeathsperyear + incidencerate +
medincome + popest2015 + povertypercent + studypercap + medianage +
medianagemale + medianagefemale + percentmarried + pctnohs18_24 +
pcths18_24 + pctbachdeg18_24 + pcths25_over + pctbachdeg25_over +
pctunemployed16_over + pctprivatecoverage + pctempprivcoverage +
pctpubliccoverage + pctpubliccoveragealone + pctwhite + pctblack +
pctasian + pctotherrace + pctmarriedhouseholds + birthrate +
Midwest + Northeast + South
Topic cross-validation glm r
Category Data Science