Product category display in tabs

Helo sir, I need your help. I want to display product category into tabs. My product category is showing, but my tab content is not display according to tab category. I donn't know what is the problem Here my code: Trending Products


                        ?php if ('' !== $settings['show_filter'] ): ?
                            ul class=nav nav-tabs id=trendingTab role=tablist

                    $terms = get_terms('product_cat');
                    foreach($terms as $term ){ ?

                        li class=nav-item role=presentation
                                a class=nav-link active id=accessories-tab data-toggle=tab href=?php echo $term-slug; ? role=tab aria-controls=accessories aria-selected=true?php echo $term-name; ?/a

        ?php endif; ?


            $args = new \WP_Query(array(   
                'post_type' = 'product', 
                div class=col-10
                    div class=tab-content tp-tab-content id=trendingTabContent
                        div class=tab-pane show active id=?php echo $term-slug; ? role=tabpanel aria-labelledby=accessories-tab
                            div class=trending-products-banner banner-animation
                                a href=shop-sidebar.htmlimg src=img/images/trending_banner.jpg alt=/a
                            div class=row trending-product-active

                                    while ($wp_query - have_posts()) : $wp_query - the_post(); 
                                    $termsArray = get_the_terms($post-ID, 'product_cat');

                                    $termsSlug = ;
                                    foreach($termsArray as $term){
                                        $termsSlug .= $term-slug . '';


                                div class=col
                                    div class=features-product-item
                                        div class=features-product-thumb
                                            !-- div class=discount-tag-20%/div --
                                            a href=?php the_permalink(); ?
                                                img src=?php the_post_thumbnail_url(); ? alt=
                                            div class=product-overlay-action
                                                    lia href=cart.htmli class=far fa-heart/i/a/li
                                                    lia href=?php the_permalink(); ?i class=far fa-eye/i/a/li
                                        div class=features-product-content
                                            div class=rating
                                                i class=far fa-star/i
                                                i class=far fa-star/i
                                                i class=far fa-star/i
                                                i class=far fa-star/i
                                                i class=far fa-star/i
                                            h5a href=?php the_permalink(); ??php the_title(); ?/a/h5
                                                global $woocommerce;
                                                $currency = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol();
                                                $price = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_regular_price', true);
                                                $sale = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_sale_price', true);

                                            ?php if($sale) : ?
                                                p class=pricedel?php echo $currency; echo $price; ?/del ?php echo $currency; echo $sale; ?/p    
                                                ?php elseif($price) : ?
                                                p class=price?php echo $currency; echo $price; ?/p    
                                            ?php endif; ?

                                        div class=features-product-carta href=cart.htmladd to cart/a/div
                        ?php endwhile; ?

Topic tabs categories Wordpress

Category Web


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