Pushing changes from localhost to live server?
I am searching for a good solution in which i can develop a wordpress site on my localhost and push the changes i made easily to my live server.
The idea is that i have some kind of plugin/software in which i just enter database and ftp credentials and i can just press Push changes and the changes get pushed from my local server to the remote server. Then i should have a full list of all the changes i made so in case something goed wrong i can always revert back.
I checked out a lot of plugins but there seems to be no plugin out there that gets it right. I tried WP Time Capsule, WP-Vivid, Duplicator, WP Staging Pro and the list goes on.
Does anyone know a good solution for that?
I found two solutions which do partially what i want. The plugins are called WP Synchro and WP Migrate DB Pro. The Problem is that these Plugins come with two downsides:
- You need a website installed on both ends so you can push changes.
It would be necessary that you could push the first time without having to install a target website on the live server.
- These solutions don't have version control.
This is not necessary but would be definitely nice to have.
We found a solution that would have been perfect which is Wordmove. This is not a plugin but a whole local dev environment for Wordpress based on Ruby on Rails.
Sadly this environment does not run well with Windows(Which the devs themself stated on their website since it is a natvie Linux/Mac OSX application).
There were many problems trying to install this and we couldn't get it to run correctly. If someone knows something similar to Wordmove which runs better on Windows then please let me know.