Python equivalent of Wolfram Language ParametricPlot3D?
The Wolfram Language as a ParametricPlot3D
that can be used to interactively examine parametric functions in 3D. Which Python package and function(s) best replicates this?
I have several series of data that I would like to represent as categorical curves in an interactive 3D plot in a Python project.
As a minimal example on a set of 10 series with 20 observations in each, in Wolfram Language I can
obs = RandomVariate[StudentTDistribution[3, 1, 5], {10, 20}];
foos = PDF@*SmoothKernelDistribution /@ obs;
MapIndexed[{First@#2, u, v #1[u]} ]@foos, {u, -5, 10}, {v, 0, 1},
BoxRatios - {5, 1, 1},
PlotRange - Full,
ColorFunction - ColorData["SunsetColors"],
Background - Lighter@Purple,
AxesStyle - White,
TicksStyle - White,
Boxed - False,
AxesEdge - {{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}},
ViewPoint - {3, -2, 1.5},
ImageSize - Large,
Mesh - None,
PlotLegends - Automatic,
PlotPoints - {80, 15},
Ticks - {{#, IntegerName@#} /@ Range@10, Automatic, Automatic}]
How is this done with Python?
Topic wolfram-language matplotlib visualization
Category Data Science