Pytorch XLA to solve the spawn problems in a Colab Env
As reference only, here is my code
It seems that torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn")
can't be used in an Colab Env. Only 'fork' is allowed.
I have implemented A3C - Data Parallelism to solve the Breakout Atari Game. As I use multi-agents, I need to spawn several processes.
This is representing a single agent :
TotalReward = namedtuple("TotalReward", field_names="reward")
def data_func(net, device, train_queue, batch_size, entropy_beta,
env_name, n_envs, gamma, reward_steps, **kwargs):
env = GymEnvVec(env_name, n_envs)
agent = Agent(net, batch_size, entropy_beta)
exp_source = ExperienceSourceFirstLast(env, agent, gamma, reward_steps)
for exp in exp_source:
new_rewards = exp_source.pop_total_reward()
if new_rewards:
and here is how I set and start several agents
train_queue = mp.Queue(maxsize=params["process_count"])
data_proc_list = []
for _ in range(params["process_count"]):
data_proc = mp.Process(target=data_func,
args=(net, device, train_queue),
Can I set multi-agents using Queue and Process in Colab? I have thought using spawn function from here using Pytorch XLA. What do you think?
Topic actor-critic pytorch reinforcement-learning python
Category Data Science