Query posts and display all dates in repeater field in chronological order
I have a Custom Post Type 'Production' with 'Tourdates' as a repeaterfield (using Advanced Custom Field plugin). Tourdates have a 'Date Time Picker 'field named 'Playdate'.
I would now like to display (in a list) all Playdates of all Productions sorted chronologically.
My current query displays the posts like this:
- 09/04/2017 (Production x)
- 28/12/2017 (Production y)
- 07/04/2017 (Production x)
- 11/04/2017 (Production x)
- 31/04/2017 (Production y)
- 14/04/2017 (Production y)
But I'm looking to get them displayed like this:
- 07/04/2017 (Production x)
- 09/04/2017 (Production x)
- 11/04/2017 (Production x)
- 14/04/2017 (Production y)
- 31/04/2017 (Production y)
- 28/12/2017 (Production y)
My code:
$args = array(
'numberposts' = -1,
'post_status' = 'publish',
'post_type' = 'productie',
'suppress_filters' = false,
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
if ( $the_query-have_posts() ) :
while ( $the_query-have_posts() ) :
$productienaam = get_the_title();
if( have_rows('tourdata') ):
while ( have_rows('tourdata') ) : the_row();
$speeldatum = get_sub_field('speeldatum');
$the_ID = get_the_ID();
$productie[$speeldatum][$the_ID]['speeldatum'] = $speeldatum;
$productie[$speeldatum][$the_ID]['name'] = $productienaam;
// $speeldatum = date("Ymd");
foreach ($productie as $key_day = $row_day){
if ($key_day date("Ymd")) {
foreach ($row_day as $key_productie = $row_productie){
$productie_name = $row_productie['name'];
$productie_date = $row_productie['speeldatum'];
echo $productie_date .' : '. $productie_name .'br /';