R: Model results in same test accuracy and ROC - How is this possible?
I've trained a simple mlp with my data set (unfortuanetly I cannot share any details):
model - keras_model_sequential()
model %%
layer_dense(units = 64, activation = relu, input_shape = c(dim(train_x)[[2]])) %%
layer_dropout(rate = 0.2) %%
layer_dense(units = 64, activation = relu) %%
layer_dropout(rate = 0.2) %%
layer_dense(units = 1, activation = sigmoid)
model %% compile(
loss = binary_crossentropy,
optimizer = optimizer_adam(learning_rate = 0.00005),
metrics = c(accuracy)
history - model %% fit(
train_x, train_y,
epochs = 15, batch_size = 64,
validation_split = 0.2, shuffle = T
test_preds - model %% predict(test_x) %% ``(0.5) %% k_cast(int32) %% data.matrix()
(test_acc - MLmetrics::Accuracy(test_preds, test_y))
(roc - MLmetrics::AUC(test_preds, test_y))
This gives me:
(test_acc - MLmetrics::Accuracy(test_preds, test_y))
[1] 0.77375
(roc - MLmetrics::AUC(test_preds, test_y))
[1] 0.77375
How can this be that Accuracy
and AUC
gives the same value? Might this be an indication for the model predicting values either close to 0
and 1
rather than close to the decision boundary at 0.5
Category Data Science