Ranking ATM based on Utilization and Economic Data (Scoring/Rank Model)
I have a sample data of around 10 ATM's Locations along with their Utilization Count (Deposits, Withdrawals and Others) for the past 3 months. I am planning to collect additional data such as nearby places of Commercial Interest and Others where there might be demand of Cash. The data is collected for approximately 300 meters of each ATM, i.e., places of Commercial Interest nearby the ATM.
I would like to build a 'Scoring/Rank Model' which can take all these inputs into consideration and Rank these 10 ATM based on Utilization and places of economic interest.
As much I have searched Google, I could not find any answers which can provide a solution. I am pretty new to Data Science and any inputs/suggestion will be really valuable.
Topic model-selection scoring evaluation predictive-modeling
Category Data Science