Read-Only custom post type
For the contact form of my own theme I have created a Custom Post Type in which the messages of the users are automatically stored. In the administration area the messages can be read similar to comments.
By doing this, you can create, change and delete messages in the administration area. All these functionalities should be prevented, so that only the reading of the messages remains possible.
I tried to achieve this by giving the custom post type its own capability and assigning read rights to all user roles only. Unfortunately, by doing so, the Custom Post Type is no longer displayed at all. As it turned out, this is probably because the read rights are meant for the frontend. So how is it possible to restrict access to the custom post type to reading only?
Here are my CPT args:
$args = array(
'labels' = $labels,
'public' = false,
'publicly_queryable' = false,
'show_ui' = true,
'show_in_menu' = true,
'show_in_admin_bar' = false,
'menu_icon' = 'dashicons-email-alt',
'query_var' = true,
'rewrite' = array( 'slug' = 'contact-form' ),
'capability_type' = array( 'contactFormMessage', 'contactFormMessages' ),
'capabilities' = array(
'edit_post' = 'edit_contactFormMessage',
'edit_posts' = 'edit_contactFormMessages',
'edit_others_posts' = 'edit_other_contactFormMessages',
'publish_posts' = 'publish_contactFormMessages',
'read_post' = 'read_contactFormMessage',
'read_private_posts' = 'read_private_contactFormMessages',
'delete_post' = 'delete_contactFormMessage'
'map_meta_cap' = true,
'has_archive' = true,
'hierarchical' = false,
'menu_position' = null,
'supports' = array( 'title', 'editor', 'author' )
And using the following loop, I gave the read rights to all the user roles.
global $wp_roles;
foreach ( $wp_roles-roles as $key = $value )
$currentRole = get_role( $key );
$currentRole-add_cap( 'read_contactFormMessages' );
$currentRole-add_cap( 'read_private_contactFormMessages' );
For the sake of security, I'm searching for a plugin-free solution to this issue. However, should it be a huge effort to achieve this, the use of a plugin is still an option.
Topic user-roles capabilities custom-post-types Wordpress
Category Web