Recommend products based on historical queries of other users
Given the user data as in the following:
user query date
0 jack mango 2020-01-03
1 jack banana 2020-01-04
2 jack apple 2020-02-03
3 jack orange 2020-03-03
4 john meat 2020-07-03
5 john water 2020-07-03
Now assume we have a new user enter mango
, I am finding a good way to recommend user product.
One approach is the following based on item2vec:
import pandas as pd
df_user= pd.DataFrame( {'user':['jack','jack','jack','jack','john','john'],'query':['mango','banana', 'apple','orange','meat', 'water'],'date':['2020-1-3','2020-1-4','2020-2-3','2020-3-3','2020-7-3','2020-7-3']})
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
model = Word2Vec(sentences = df_user.groupby(['user'], as_index=False).agg(list)['query'], window = 9999999, min_count=1)
model.wv.most_similar(new_query, topn=10)
Strangely, it gives
[('banana', 0.09904204308986664),
('orange', 0.004004828631877899),
('water', -0.022172965109348297),
('meat', -0.05908803641796112),
('apple', -0.1611100435256958)]
as output, where 'water' and 'meat' ranked above 'apple',
- Is there any problem in my implementation?
- Is there other good way to solve this problem instead of item2vec?
Category Data Science